Trachanotto with trachanas by Gis Kattavias

Ingredients (makes 4 servings)
300 γρ. trachanas by Gis Kattavias

300 gr Trachanaby Gis Kattavias

½ diced red pepper

½ diced green pepper

1 finely chopped onion

10 cherry tomatoes

2 tbsp. butter

½ cupDamaDamawhite wine by “Piperis Winery”

¼ cup “Platoni” extra virgin olive oil

1 chicken stock cube

Fresh parsley

Some feta cheese + freshly ground pepper for serving


Inadeep, non-stick frying pan sautétheonionand peppers intheoliveoil, until they soften. In the meantime, boil some water in a kettle.

When the vegetables have softened, add the trachana in the pan and stir until it is glistening. Add the white wine and the stock cube and stir.

When all the wine is absorbed, add gradually boiling water from the kettle, stirring frequently. Add as much water as needed for the trachana to cook until it forms a thick soup. Neartheend, addthebutter.

To serve your trachanotto, pour some in four deep dishes, add some feta crumbs in the centre of each plate, sprinkle with parsley and freshly ground pepper and serve while hot.